51 INf
6th Div
This is a small amount of infomation about my Grandfather, Jasper L. Atchison. Grandpa Atchison died in 1947 on the operation table in Harrisonville, Mo.
He died two years before I was born and we have few pictures of him and my father told me very little about him. He did say he was in WW1 and he was in
the Battle of Meuse-Argonne under General Pershing. I Read about this battle and found out that it was one of the last offensive that the U.S. 1st Army had fought and
by the end of the offensive more than 1.3 million U.S. Troops were on French soil. My grandfather was part of the Troops that were gased. What a terrible thing to do and
how brave the Amercian Troop's were to keep fighting under such stress. My father also told me that my grandfather did not like anything around his neck or face due to the
stress of wearing a gas mask to stay alive and having anything close to his face or neck made him think about that time when he was gased.
I am proud of being the grandson of Jasper L. Atchison and Leland H. Atchison.