Brick Line
Brick Section
Dates of Service

Bob Park arrived first week of Dec 65 at Schofield, Hawaii and assigned to A/2/27 then to Vietnam in Jan 66 (remember the Gen Walker troupe ship) and was sent back to Hawaii and then on to the states at the end of Nov 66 (Wounded during battle of Attleboro) and then to Germany 2nd week of Dec 66.
Bob was assigned to Company A of the famous Wolfhounds of the 2/27th. He was wounded twice (2 purple hearts) and was awarded a Bronze Star for Valor.
"I Took a European out and travelled for about 6 months before coming home. Being reassigned to Germany probably saved my life and helped keep me sane. I think Captain Foley must have put something in my 201 file as I had the best and most understanding COs in Germany". Bob Park
Bob was a SP/4 when he left Vietnam and was assigned to Germany. He was made E-5 (Buck Sgt) about two weeks after he got to Germany and was made E-6 just before he got out the end of 67.