Company A, 276th Engineers, C Battalion
Leland Atchison has lived most of his life in and around Cass and Bates County, Mo. HE graduated from Archie High School and after
graduation he and a school friend went to try out for the K.C. Blues baseball team in K.C. They did not make the team but soon after Leland
was drafted into the Army.
Dad, was in (Co. A, C Battalion, 276 Engineer's). Dad was also a Paratrooper, he earned his wings at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Dad was at
the Battle of Ardennes Rhineland Central Europe. Dad was part of the Troops that had to protect the Bridge on the Rhine River. One of his
duties was during watch was to go up or down the River and watch for anything that looked like mines floating in the River to blow up the bridge.
He would have to blow up the mine by shooting it, then have to change his position so he would not be detected by the German's on the other side of
the River. He always told me he was about a mile from the frontline at all times, quess the River was very wide!
Dad was also lucky to be in this Company, his Sgt. was a baseball player named Warren Spahan. Dad was also part of an Army baseball
team coached by Warren Spahan. Dad never told me who they played, where or when, but he did say that Warren Spahan really could yell
when you messed up. Quess that is why Dad named me after his Sgt., he could yell at me, but not to Sgt. Warren Spahan.
Dad also told me that the day the Bridge fell, he and Sgt. Warren Spahan was out inspected some area and after leaving the Bridge about
five minutes later was when it fell into the River.
Dad was very proud to have served his county and to have been apart of this Campaign of the Rhine River.